Neon Abyss is my new favorite Rouge Like

Xbox Game Pass has done it again, it has hit me with another game I would have never played had it not been added to the Game Pass library. Neon Abyss has held my attention captive for the past week with its random, gleeful gameplay and it’s the latest game I must discuss for the Xbox Game Pass Spotlight.
So what is Neon Abyss? This is a run and gun roguelike shooter. Every run starts out playing similarly to a classic side scroller like Vectorman or Contra, but Neon Abyss merges that kind of gameplay with lots of power-ups, loot, character growth, and randomly generated levels.
If you are a fan of Spelunky, Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, or Children Of Morta, Neon Abyss is a must-try game. The game is available on every major platform and it’s also on Xbox Game Pass for consoles and PC.
Unlimited Power!!!!
One thing about me is that I absolutely adore is games that let me become overpowered. Don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying I enjoy easy games or want to breeze through everything, that’s not the case, I just really like it when games let me “earn” the ability to become really ridiculous strong and then obliterate my enemies with my overwhelming power.
Neon Abyss does that and isn’t at all shy about it. There are no limits to the items and power-ups you can have. The game is generally quite challenging, particularly when you are starting a new run after a death as you lose everything except for your leveled up abilities and perks.
If you are lucky you can collect a slew of upgrades that make your life a heck of a lot easier. That gambling like thrill of not knowing what you will get when you start a new level is very satisfying.
Like other roguelike’s every run you will have no idea how hard or easy things will be; Neon Abyss is more capricious than most other roguelikes though because the degree and potency of the random variability is higher.
Light on story, heavy on depth
The story of Neon Abyss is fairly sparse, basically you are trying to take down several new Gods who have wronged you terribly and have set you on your quest for revenge.
Outside of that, there aren’t many narrative elements added between the start of the game and the very end. The story winds up being the journeys you have on your many many playthroughs.
At the conclusion of each run, you get a seed code that you can use or share with others so they can experience the same variables you did. Having a seed with really great items will significantly alter the challenge of your run.

Perhaps the biggest thing you should know about Neon Abyss is that randomness plays a massive factor in the game. Sometimes you just won’t find any significant power-ups or abilities to give you an edge and unless you are very skilled, you will have a hard time finishing a run.
Other times, you may have all the luck in the world, getting great items right out of the gate. After a couple of cleared dungeons, you could be nearly unstoppable eviscerating foes with souped-up nuclear powered multi-laser beams.
Skill certainly is the most important aspect of this game but random factors are maybe the second, for an average to below-average skilled side-scrolling shooter gamer like myself, the luck factor was crucial in how far I could progress. I absolutely love the reliance on luck as it keeps me hooked to see how my luck plays out at the start of every run. for skilled veteran roguelike players though, it may be a turn-off.
Neon Abyss has style

The aesthetic of Neon Abyss is right up my alley. The bright Cyberpunk-like neon signs and visuals clash with gothic stone dungeons. All of this is packaged with energizing, beat thumping music that sets the mood.
The character art style is sprite-based and reminiscent of games of yesteryear. There are several player characters to unlock and dozens of enemy types. Every character in the game has something they bring to the table whether it be starting each run with a key, an extra heart, dodge ability, or something else.
The enemy types are varied, all with their own patterns that the player will familiarize themselves with over repeated runs. The bosses are much the same way although they are more complicated. Visually the enemy characters are very interesting, there are flying heads with spikes, fast food mascots, plants.

It’s weird, it’s interesting, and the enemies are fun to kill. As you progress through the game, you will run into new enemy types and traps littered throughout each stage. The game does a really good job of throwing so much variety and randomness your way things continually feel fresh.
Neon Abyss cares about the little details
What’s impressive about this game is that the developers have gone all out to add little details such as visual changes to your character every time they get a power-up. Deep into a run, you will be adorned with various mods on your gun, helmets, accessories, and pets that aid you in battle.
There is apparently no limit to how many items and companions you can have, I have amassed a ton of power-ups that trail behind me and drape off my character and have been unbelievably powerful. When you get that many powers, it’s almost like you are playing a different game.
Many of the items are pop culture references to movies and other games. I have found the Master Chief’s helmet and the mega buster for example. After several hours of playing the game I am still encountering new items in pretty much every dungeon I encounter.
Seemingly Endless possibilities, endless fun
If any of this sounds alluring to you I say get your hands on Neon Abyss right now. The game is available for all major gaming platforms and only costs $19.99. If you have Xbox Game Pass, go, download it immediately.
A week ago I knew next to nothing about this game and for the last several days I have been playing it every day. This is a fun game for roguelike veterans and newcomers alike. Very low barriers to entry and success can be had with persistence and good RNG.

Neon Abyss doesn’t ask a whole lot out of the gamer who wants to play it. You need some minimal skill but most of all you need to be able to role with the random punches. There are few games out there that will take you on such a wildly different ride every time you play them and that’s this title’s biggest strength.
If you are looking for more great Xbox Game Pass games to check out take a look at our other Xbox Game Pass Spotlight titles or our best games to play on Xbox game pass list.
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