Only One Xbox Scarlett at Launch

During Microsoft latest (and slightly disappointing) E3 conference this month, there was no mention of multiple next generation Xbox consoles. Throughout the last year there had been speculation that there would be two models, a premium, more expensive Scarlett and a cheaper console alternative that would be less powerful. Windows Central broke it down as such:
Speaking of Lockhart, according to our sources, there were two consoles being prepped, aiming for a 2020 holiday debut — a cheaper “S”-style console, to succeed the Xbox One S, and a more beastly “X”-style console, to succeed the Xbox One X. The codename for the “S 2” was “Lockhart,” and the codename for the “X 2” was supposedly Anaconda.
Windows Central
During Microsoft’s 2019 E3 briefing just a couple of weeks ago, head of Xbox game Studios, Phil Spencer refereed to only one next generation console in the works. The gaming community picked up on that immediately and began speculating that there may only be one next generation offering from Microsoft.
Thankfully Business Insider was on the case and seeking some answers. This week, Business Insider published an interview with Phil Spencer and pressed him on the issue further.
“Last year we said consoles, and we’ve shipped a console and we’ve now detailed another console. I think that’s plural,” Spencer said.
Business Insider
The console that Microsoft shipped earlier this year, of course, was not a new Xbox console – it was a disc-less version of its already existing Xbox One S hardware.
“Technically that is plural,” Spencer said with a laugh after I pushed him on the technicality he invoked. “Right now,” he said, “we’re focused on Project Scarlett and what we put on stage.”
It appears that Phil is trying to dance around the issue somewhat by lumping the Xbox One S: All Digital Edition into the context of his earlier talks about future consoles. The final statement seems to make it pretty clear however that there will only be one type of next generation Xbox console at launch.
I did like the idea of a cheaper, affordable system that people could get into their homes quickly right away but I was also worried that the lower end hardware would hold the more premium console back as developers have to make the same game for both platforms.
Though there probably wont be two Xbox consoles to start the generation, we can’t rule out another mid generation upgrade console, much like the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
New Switch Mini Rumors Sprout up and Quickly get Put Down

It seems that ever since the Switch launched back in March 2017, there have been rumors of a new version being made. Last year there was buzz about a Switch Pro, much like the Xbox One X or PS4, Pro, it would be a beefier update to the original console.
Lately, there has been talk about a Switch Mini, a cheaper, smaller version of the Switch that would perhaps be portable only, and seen as kind of a Nintendo 3DS replacement. Early this week steam picked up on the mini Switch front as twitter user CptnAlex tweeted out this message.
This simple tweet ignited more speculation from the gaming community and people started believing that a mini Switch was indeed on the way. The excitement would be short lived however as the rumor was proved false.
According to the tweets, the company that “leaked” the photos, Honson Gaming, was making up the accessory designs. It’s a little bit strange and unclear, perhaps they were a mock design for other businesses. Whatever the case it turned out to be just another false rumor.
That hasn’t stopped people from believing a new version of the Switch is on the way though.
I myself wouldn’t mind seeing an updated version, that way I can snatch it up when I finally get a Switch later this year! A man can dream after all.
EA Labels Loot Boxes as Surprise Mechanics
EA games was at a UK Parliament hearing on game gambling and addiction. EA’s representative Kerry Hopkins, the Vice President of Legal for EA Games, made this statement when she was questioned about loot boxes and their ethical nature.
That is what we look at as surprise mechanics. It is important to look at this. If you go to—I don’t know what your version of Target is—a store that sells a lot of toys and youdo a search for surprise toys, you will find that this is something people enjoy.
They enjoy surprises. It is something that has been part of toys for years, whether it is Kinder eggs or Hatchimals or LOL Surprise!. We think the way we have implemented those kinds of mechanics—and FIFA, of course, is our big one, our FIFA Ultimate Team and our packs—is quite ethical and quite fun; it is enjoyable to people.
We agree with the UK Gambling Commission, the Australian gambling commission and many other gambling commissions that they are not gambling, and we also disagree that there is evidence that shows it leads to gambling. Instead, we think it is like many other products that people enjoy in a very healthy way. They like the element of surprise.
Kerry Hopkins of EA Games
The full transcript of the hearing can be found here.
This was not a great look for EA Games as the social media community has latched on to these words. The entire statement does come across as pretty comical. EA themselves have used the term :loot boxes” before. They have said it in their tweets and marketing.
EA also labeled their loot boxes or “surprise mechanics” as fun. Though to a degree, for some, that may be true, it glosses over the fact that loot boxes encourage players to purchase more and more in hopes of attaining a specific item or reward. Perhaps that mechanic is more down to a compulsion or urge, rather than joy.
What’s clear is that this is an issue that needs to be looked at more closely. Do you feel loot boxes are simply an enjoyable enhancement to gaming? Do you have them with a passion? Have you or anyone you know ever been addicted to purchasing them? Please let us know in the comments.
My Week in Gaming
As usual for this time of year after E3 has wound down, gaming news takes a brief pause and I like to use the time to make a dent into my gaming backlog. I wrapped up Gears of War 4 last week and I set out to get back into Ghost Recon Wildlands.
Getting back into Ghost Recon has been fun but I got sidetracked as I took advantage of the $1 Game pass Ultimate upgrade deal and got sucked into a game pass game called Void Bastards.

Void Bastards has really captured my attention. It has elements of a rogue like which is a genre I have recently talked about enjoying a great deal. You are given a randomly generated character with their own traits, and you board ships with randomly generated layouts and loot.
As you go along, you need to seek out certain items to construct a certain amount of ship parts and devices in order to complete the game. Every time you die, you lose your character and map progress but keep most of everything else you collected.
Between Void Bastards and Wildlands I’ve got my hands full for a bit. Next week Judgement releases and that game will probably cause me to drop everything, I simply cannot get enough of the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio games and the Yakuza series is one of my favorite franchises of all time.

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