Cyberpunk 2077 developers CD Projekt Red did a deep drive on Cyberpunk 2077. They gave gamers a juicy 15 minute gameplay demo and offered up a long form discussion about the features in the game. Here are some of the details they went over.
Cyberpunk 2077 Game Play Video
Recap of the post video discussion
Night City and Pacifica

-Pacifica is a district that used to the crown jewel of tourism. Now it is deserted with busted cars, danger lurking everywhere and poor living conditions.
-Actual city planners have helped the development team deign night city. The details are everywhere, even with traffic flow and architecture.
-Wanted to make the scenery of the city as diverse as possible. The player should know where they are simply by looking around and being familiar with the city. Pacifica in particular is almost post apocalyptic it is so run down.
-Has a large Haitian community. Each district has a gang that holds significant power there. The Voodoo boys are the prominent gang in Pacifica. They are ingrained in the culture and community there.
-Architecture, history, culture, will be very distinct to each district while still feeling like it all belongs to Night City as a whole. All of the stories that take place in a city fit with that cities background. Lore an history plays a huge role in shaping everything.
The Voodoo Boys Gang
-The Voodoo Boys have a Haitian background. They aren’t the original gang to go by the name voodoo boys but the older gang was more of a cultural appropriated weak imitation of voodoo culture. The Voodoo Boys are the real deal with real history.
-Deeply involved with the community in Pacifica. They don’t really bring a lot of gun power to fight physically or violently. Instead they are obsessed with cyberspace. They have almost made it their religion.
-They are the best net runners you can find in Night City.
The Animals Gang
-The animals. Guys who live to get strong they want to be big and bad and want you to fear them just because they exist.
-Every gang has a signature thing or lifestyle they live by. The animals simply want to be the biggest baddest people walking around. Living their lives in the gym to achieve that goal.
-Agency that wants to keep the old order. Protect people from AI and technology getting out of control.
-Netwatch see’s AI’s getting power as the end of the world.
-They are often at odds with the Voodoo Boys because the Voodoo boys seek out AI and more advanced tech.
-Netwatch has agents, comes off like a future off shoot of the CIA or FBI. Not sure at this time if they are a government controlled agency or not. They have badges.
Vehicles and Travel

-There are all kinds of vehicles in the game.
-The city is very open and the society is very diverse so the vehicles will reflect that. Some vehicles will be very functional, they are only there to get someone from one place to another. Others could be luxury, expensive, high end design.
-Don’t just have cars. Bikes, surprise vehicles, flying cars. There is also one particular secret vehicle that a developer is really happy about being in the game.
-No loading screens while exploring the city. You can go wherever you want in the dense city.
-There is an option to fast travel but they have put so many interesting things in the city and made it so alive that they encourage people to walk and drive around the city themselves.
General Game Info

-Ultimate goal is to make every play style accessible and offer the player multiple ways to approach every scenario.
-Whole philosophy of the game is freedom. They want the player to feel like they always have choice to fulfill the ultimate Cyberpunk fantasy.
-Street stories are side missions in the game. Cyberpunk will have the full Witcher 3 side quest treatment. Varied, immersive side quests in the game.
-Fixers give you jobs. Different fixers operate in different districts.
-Have a whole team dedicated to making ads and other things in the world that bring the city to life.
-Have a special team dedicated to creating just side missions.
-You can play the whole game without killing another person. This will affect the story. Players have ultimate choice in how they want to play it. Any character type can play the game non lethally if they want.
-Character has three origins, or “life paths” they can start from. Can be a street kid, nomad, or corporate. It completely changes how you start the game. You start in a new location, new associates, and it affects how your entire game will play out.
-Example, if you are a from the corporate background you can unlock pathways that are known to you because of your history. These scenarios may be locked off to you if you have a different background. Same of course, applies to all classes.
-You aren’t bound to stick with your starting path, you can decide to work towards another affiliation. If you start off as a street kid you could betray the streets and start making your way up the corporate side.
Character Builds and Upgrading
-You have attribute points, skills, and then perks for those skills. That’s three layers of level leveling and building with their own permutations and branching trees.
-Fluid class system. No hard class routes or builds, you can customize your character to be what you want.
-Athletics skill helps you do things like pick up dead bodies. Different skills have different perks you can earn and assign. You could add perks to your athletic skill that help you to move dead bodies faster, even run with them.
-“Cool” stat means how cool your character is under pressure. Not just how “cool” you seem as a person. Affects dialogue, the way other characters see you.
-In the inventory screen you can add and replace cyber ware parts. You could replace your legs with new ones that may give you a double jump. You can upgrade all kinds of parts for your character swapping cyber parts.
-You get cyber parts by going to a ripper doc who can outfit you.
-Talked about being a net runner. You can hack into cameras, machines to cause distractions. You can even hack other characters cyber ware and cause them to harm themselves or other enemies.
-Developers are trying very hard not to punish players for playing the way they want to play. They worked really hard to make all play styles viable.
-Techie Archetype example. More technical play style. Dabbles with hardware and cables, things that drive machinery. Techie uses “Flathead” a spider robot who you can send out to do certain things for you. Example, Flathead could directly engage with some enemies or perhaps Flathead could help loosen a weak structure overhead so it falls down and hits some enemies below it.
Guns and Weapons

-Guns are divided into three main categories. Smart guns: Shoot homing bullets, follow targets. Tech weapons: Certain abilities like they can pierce armor or go over cover. Power weapons: Mainly focused on being street grid weapons. Bursting shotguns, modified guns.
-Put a lot of work to make sure the weapons feel like they have weight and power. There is a small piece of story wrapped up in every weapons.
-Example of a hand gun that speeds up bullets as you fire it. The more you use it the faster the bullets can fire.
-Many of the weapons have an alternate firing option. Bounce bullets off of the walls with a ricochet feature. A shotgun that has eight barrels that shoots at the same time.
– All the companies and game manufacturers make the world and guns more believable. They give distinct features and logic behind their products.
-Can become an expert in melee weapons.
-Lots of melee weapons. A cyber ninja could have a katana. There are guerrilla fists that can be used as powerful melee weapons or ways to open doors and make pathways through brute force.
-The more you use a gun the better your character gets with it. You can stick with a gun and continue to modify and upgrade it while your character also get more proficient with it. Making it your own unique weapon.
This is going to be a whole lot of game
That wraps up most of what was discussed. You can watch the entire question and answer segment below to get all the information yourself. Stay tuned for future updates and more news about Cyberpunk 2077 in the future.
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