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Playstation 5 is going to be really powerful

Playstation 5 Power Next-Gen
Fake mock up of PS5

Mark Cerny gave Wired an exclusive interview where he disclosed some details about the upcoming Playstation 5. The console is said to be a true generational shift in power and ability.

Backwards compatibility also seems to be all but guaranteed. That is a huge plus for the console as it greatly helps to keep Playstation 4 consumers in the Sony ecosystem. As for the CPU and GPU poser, a direct quote from the article shows that the PS5 is clearly no slouch there either.

“The CPU is based on the third generation of AMD’s Ryzen line and contains eight cores of the company’s new 7nm Zen 2 microarchitecture. The GPU, a custom variant of Radeon’s Navi family, will support ray tracing”

Later in the article they also talk about the Playstation 5’s new solid state hard drive technology. Load times may be significantly cut down due to it’s design. One example they talked about was PS4’s Spider-Man which took 15 seconds to load a fast travel sequence on the PS4 but only 0.8 seconds on the PS5 development hardware.

Only a few tidbits were dropped but this is really exciting news for the next generation of consoles and gamers will have a lot to look forward to very soon, my guess, within 18 months.

Gamestop Creates “Guaranteed to Love it” Policy

Gamestop "Guaranteed to Love it"

Gamestop has been fighting an uphill battle to stay alive as a business. For years now, digital game sales have been cutting into physical software sales and making used video game stores like gamestop, struggle to keep up with the changing trends.

The new Guaranteed to love it program may help Gamestop in generating some more business however. This new policy will let select games, the first of which will be Sony’s Days Gone, be eligible for return within 48 hours.

Customers who return the game within that time period will receive a store credit for the pre-tax purchase amount. They can then use that credit for any item in the store at a later date. Here are the details as laid out by

Tweet from Cheap Ass Gamer detailing the policy

Will this policy keep Gamestop afloat for the foreseeable future? How widespread will it be? Will all games eventually qualify for this? Most major AAA titles? Either way I think it’s an interesting way to attract more customers and it’s something I myself may be will to check out in the future,

Xbox One All Digital Edition is coming

Xbox One All Digital Edition
New All Digital, Discless Xbox

Covered earlier this week, Microsoft announced their new line of Xbox One hardware the Xbox One All Digital Edition. The console does not have a disc drive so it cannot play any physical Xbox One games. The positive trade off for the lack of disc drive is that the console itself will be $50 cheaper than the standard Xbox One S..

As said previously on our site, I think this was a missed opportunity for Microsoft to offer a really cheap alternative for consumers to get into the Xbox ecosystem. Imagine if they could have managed to make an even smaller Xbox One and it was only $150 at retail.

I suppose it just wasn’t technically possible but man, it would have been a very tempting game machine for anyone at that price point and with that kind of compatibility.

What have I been up to this week?

This has been a pretty awesome week for myself. The highlight was going to the Game Changers Exhibit at the Saint Paul Science Museum. There I got to take a visual tour through the history of video games. I learned quite a bit and maybe best of all, there were dozens of games there to play for free.

Game Changers Exhibition

My favorite part was probably playing the arcade games from the 80’s. I’ll have a full write up of this event next week. So check that out if you want to see more.

The games that I actually played at home this week were mainly boiled down to two. Still easing my way into EDF: Iron Rain and I am trying to finally finish up Wasteland 2. Wasteland 2 is a game that is really growing on me even more down the home stretch.

Next week I am buying either Days Gone or Mortal Kombat 11. Looking like I am going to get Days Gone first and then try to pick up MK in early May. That’s the plan anyhow but we will see how it goes.

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